Top 5 – 2018 Oscar Nominees I Want to See Win

Every year at the Oscars, there are specific nominees that I want to see win more than others.  It’s nothing personal to the other nominees, it’s just that I either have some sort of emotional attachment to the film or the performance, or it would push a genre or the medium forward.  Past examples include wanted Sylvester Stallone to win Best Supporting Actor for CreedThe Departed winning Best Picture, David Fincher winning Best Director for The Social Network, and so on.  Here are my choices for this years Oscar nominees I want to see win.





5 – And the Oscar for BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR goes to…



  • I am mad it took the Academy so long to nominate Rockwell.  The man has been putting in great work for over a decade now and should have been nominated for Moon (2009) and The Way, Way Back (2013).  But, he’s nominated now, and that is all that matters.  Rockwell is the frontrunner in this category, and I look forward to him winning the award after a long, awesome career.




4 – And the Oscar for BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM goes to…



Dear Basketball is a sensational animated short film that animates basketball star Kobe Bryant’s letter to the game of basketball during his retirement year.  Besides from being a beautiful tribute to not only Bryant and anyone who has a competitive bone in their body, the reason I want to see it win is so that I can see Kobe Bryant accept an Oscar.  Bryant is the creator and one of the producers of the film, so if it wins, his name will be called and it will be extraordinary.  Bryant is one of the greatest basketball players I have ever watched and him winning an Oscar for his letter would be the ultimate cherry on top of his legendary career.



3 – And the Oscar for BEST DIRECTOR goes to…



Nolan does have a shot of getting this award, though I expect it to go to Guillermo del Toro’s work for The Shape of Water.  Nolan created a film that is the true definition of cinema.  This is a movie made on the biggest scale possible and Nolan handles every bit of it.  By corralling hundreds of extras, shooting exhilarating action sequences, and giving us a movie about hope and horrors of war, Nolan throws us on the front lines for an experience we won’t forget.  And, much like Rockwell, it is a shame it took this long for the Academy to nominate him.  It is great that they have and he should be rightly rewarded for his achievement.



2 – And the Oscar for BEST PICTURE goes to…



Dunkirk was my favorite movies of 2017 and I would be ecstatic if it won Best Picture.  But there is something about Get Out that has me rooting for it more than any other film nominated.  Maybe it’s because of how much I love the movie and everything Jordan Peele did with the film.  Maybe it’s because the movie would be such a cool, bold choice for the Academy that, coupled with Moonlight‘s win last year, could be a turning point for the type of film the Academy rewards and the type of film they nominate.  Maybe it’s because it just feels right.  Maybe all three.  But I would go absolutely bonkers if this won and I really hope it does.



1 – And the Oscar for BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY goes to…



14.  14 Oscar nominations for Roger Deakins.  0.  0 wins for Roger Deakins.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?!  Deakins is arguably the greatest cinematographer of the last 25 years, having masterfully shot films such as O Brother, Where Art Though? (2000), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007), Skyfall (2012) and dozens of others.  His work in Blade Runner 2049 is some of the best work of his career, giving the film a unique style, look, and color pallet, all while being massive in scale.  Deakins should have had his Oscar years ago, but it is finally time for him to get his due and it would be my favorite win this year if we did.




What nominees at the 2018 Oscar do you want to see win?  Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.